Non-Thesis MSC. Programs

         The information given on this page is a simplified version of Trakya University Postgraduate Education Regulation. Click here for the relevant regulation


(1) Application Form

(2) Resume

(3) Diploma: Certified copy of undergraduate diploma or graduation certificate (Equivalence certificate to be obtained from the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education for graduates of Higher Education Institutions in foreign countries).

(4) Transcript: Candidates whose grading systems are different from the hundredth system are required to bring an official document from the University they graduated from stating the equivalent of their grade point average in the hundredth system. The process of converting those who cannot provide to the hundredth system is done according to the system determined by the Council of Higher Education. Candidates who apply after completing their undergraduate degree while having an associate degree, must bring a combined transcript from the university they graduated from (by adjusting the courses they were successful during the associate degree education and exempted while enrolling in the undergraduate education, with the previous grades of these courses included in the transcript) in order for their applications to be considered valid.

(5) Copy of Identification Card

(6) Phorograph (4 headshot photograph)



In the admission of those who will apply to the master's program, the undergraduate graduation grade point average of the applications are considered, and the students are taken as much as the announced quota by ranking from the highest score to the lowest.

Course Stage

The duration of the master's degree without thesis is at least two semesters and at most three semesters.

It consists of a total of at least 10 courses (30 credits / 90 ECTS) and a term project. In addition, a course, within the scope of "Scientific Research Techniques and Science Ethics" must be taken during the graduate education process.

1) Students make their course selections online during the course registration week determined by the university.

2) Students must choose courses with a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 45 ECTS in each semester.

3) Graduate students are required to code at least one course including Scientific Research Techniques-Science Ethics during the course phase. The credit of this course is not included in the minimum credit required for graduation.

4) The term project course is non-credit and is evaluated as successful or unsuccessful. The student has to register for the term project course in the semester in which the term project course is taken and submit a written project and/or report at the end of the semester.

5) At most three of the courses to be taken by the student can be selected from the undergraduate courses, provided that they were not taken during the undergraduate education.

6) At the end of the program, a proficiency exam is administered by a jury consisting of at least 3 faculty members from the registered department.

7) Advisors must approve course registration approvals until the last day of the registration week notified by student affairs. Advisors have the right to add or remove courses within the student's knowledge.

8) Adding or removing courses is done with a petition containing the student's request and the advisor's approval, within the week following the registration week.

9) Success grade in this program is 65 and above.

10) If the student whose thesis is rejected in the master's program with thesis makes a request, he/she is given a diploma of master's degree without thesis, provided that he/she fulfills the course credit load, project writing and similar requirements of the program.

This content was issued on 26.08.2022 and has been viewed for 772 times.