Course Stage of Ph.D.

Ph.D. Program Course Stage (For students accepted with MSc. degree)

Course duration

            The duration of completion of doctoral courses is 4 semesters at most. Students who fail to complete all of their courses at the end of this period are dismissed from the doctoral program.


Course registration

Students make their course selections online during the course registration week determined by the university.


Course selection

Students must choose at least 30 ECTS courses each semester.


  • Students must take at least 50% (30 ECTS) of the courses they are required to take from the department in which they are registered. Course selection from different departments should be made in line with the advisor's knowledge and approval.


  • · The nature of the courses (compulsory/elective) taken from different departments are accepted in their own department, as they are taken. Ph.D. students can take a maximum of 2 courses from the relevant master's program, provided that they have not been taken before.


  • · Success grade in doctoral courses is 75 and above. The student who successfully completes the courses is entitled to pass to the stage of qualification and thesis proposal.



Seminars are offered at the end of the relevant academic term. The Ph.D. student determines the seminar topic to be given together with his/her advisor and submits the "Seminar Suggestion Form" to the head of the department stating the place, date and time of the seminar.


  • · The student who is successful in the seminar turns the presentation prepared in accordance with the thesis writing rules into a booklet and delivers 1 bound copy to the institute within one week at the latest.


Scientific Research Techniques- Scientific Ethics Courses

Ph.D. students are required to code at least one course including Scientific Research Techniques-Scientific ethics at the course stage (if not taken at the master's stage). The credit of this course is not included in the minimum credit required for graduation.


Course Registration Approvals

Advisors must approve course registration approvals until the last day of the registration week notified by student affairs. Advisors have the right to add or remove courses within the student's knowledge.  Adding or removing courses is done within the week following the registration week, with the add/delete form containing the student's request and the approval of the advisor.


Ph.D. Program Course Stage (For students accepted with bachelor’s degree)

Students accepted to a Ph.D. program with a bachelor's degree are subject to the following items, unlike students admitted with a master's degree.


The duration of the doctorate is at least 10 semesters; maximum of 14 semesters. It consists of a total of 14 courses, 2 seminars and (42 credits / 120 ECTS) at least 300 ECTS, including the proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis work. In addition, a course within the scope of "Scientific Research Techniques and Science Ethics" must be taken during the graduate education process. The maximum duration for completing doctoral courses is 6 semesters. Students who fail to complete all of their courses at the end of this period are dismissed from the doctoral program. The student must take at least 50% (60 ECTS) of the required courses from the department they are registered in. Course selection from different departments should be made in line with the advisor's knowledge and approval. The nature of the courses (compulsory/elective) taken from different departments are accepted in their own department, as they are taken. Students can take a maximum of 4 elective courses from the relevant master's program, provided that they have not been taken before.


This content was issued on 06.09.2022 and has been viewed for 244 times.