Proficiency in Ph.D. and Thesis Proposal Stages

Proficiency in Ph.D. and Thesis Proposal Stages

Completion of the Courses

The student has to take the proficiency exam at the end of the 5th semester at the latest. A student who fails the proficiency exam can take the proficiency exam again in the next semester. Students who fail this exam are dismissed from the doctoral program.


Formation of the Exam Jury

The proficiency examination jury consists of 5 full and 2 substitute faculty members. 2 of the 5 principal faculty members must be from outside Trakya University. One of the substitute faculty members must be from outside Trakya University. This jury is organized by the department doctoral proficiency committee and is recommended to the Institute by the head of the department.


Delivery of Exam Documents 

After the proficiency exam, the written and oral exam minutes, personal reports, the doctoral proficiency exam jury report, the doctoral proficiency committee report, the advisor's petition to the head of the department and the cover letter of the head of the department are delivered to the institute.


Formation of the Thesis Monitoring Commitee

For the student who is successful in the proficiency exam, within 1 month following the proficiency exam, a thesis monitoring committee consisting of 3 faculty members (two from their own department and 1 from a different department) is formed with the recommendation of the department chair.


Delivery of the Thesis Study Plan

The student has to prepare the thesis study plan and defend it orally in front of the thesis monitoring committee within 6 months at the latest following the proficiency exam. The elements to be considered in the process of preparing and defending the thesis work plan are given in the list below.





Points to be considered in preparation of the study plans

 · Before the thesis proposal defense exam, thesis study plans must be sent to the Graduate School for approval in Word format via e-mail. The document to does not need to be signed.


  • Thesis study plans approved by the Institute must be submitted to the members of the jury as a written report 15 days before the thesis proposal defense exam.


  • · The thesis study plans, whose original value and scientific competence of the subject are approved by the jury, should be sent to the relevant institute both via EBYS and with a wet-signed printout within three days.


  • · The topic determined in the doctoral thesis proposal must be original.
  • A student who fails the thesis proposal defense twice is dismissed from the doctoral program.


This content was issued on 06.09.2022 and has been viewed for 232 times.